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Comprehensive Guide to Egg Freezing in Thailand - Insights from Dr. Nathan Zhang of IVF USA

2023-12-22 20:36:45,浏览量: 56次



With the acceleration of life pace and the increase of workplace pressure, an increasing number of women are considering assisted reproductive techniques such as egg freezing and in vitro fertilization (IVF). For female contemplating egg freezing in Thailand, here's a comprehensive guide to assist you in making informed decisions.


1.Optimal Timing for Egg Freezing


    Egg freezing is no longer rare, but choosing the right time for this procedure is crucial. Studies indicate that women who freeze their eggs before the age of 30 achieve the highest live birth rates. To maximize future success rates, it is advisable to complete egg freezing before the age of 37. Frozen eggs retain sufficient quality for future use, enhancing the chances of successful utilization.


2.Selecting an Experienced Reproductive Institution: Ensuring Success


    The proficiency of reproductive institutions varies widely, making the selection of an experienced clinic paramount. The success rate of live births from a 32-year-old woman's eggs may significantly differ from that of a 39-year-old woman. Therefore, ensuring the choice of a reputable and experienced institution adds an extra layer of assurance to your egg freezing journey.


3.Quantity of Frozen Eggs and Success Rates: Be Realistic


    Data reveals a close correlation between the number of frozen eggs and the likelihood of future successful pregnancies. The older the woman, the greater the quantity of eggs needed to be frozen. To achieve a higher live birth rate, it is recommended to freeze around 15 eggs. Consider the potential loss of some eggs during the entire freezing process.


4.Multiple Egg Retrievals May be Necessary: Patience is Key


    Research indicates that women who freeze around 15 eggs are more likely to achieve future pregnancies. However, the number of eggs a woman can collect in one ovarian stimulation cycle depends on multiple factors. Some women may retrieve enough eggs on the first attempt, while others might need to undergo multiple egg retrieval processes. Patience is required, considering the emotional and physical challenges that may arise throughout the entire freezing process.


5.Egg Freezing Success is not Guaranteed: Act Timely


    Egg freezing is not 100% successful, especially as the time of utilization increases, the success rate decreases. Statistics show that for women freezing eggs before the age of 37, timely use of frozen eggs for IVF in Thailand is crucial. Advanced maternal age increases the risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth compared to younger women.


In China, single women face some regulatory limitations regarding egg freezing, while overseas options offer broader choices. IVF USA, as a specialized institution in the field of assisted reproduction, provides more international solutions. Our founder, Dr. Nathan Zhang, a U.S.-trained medical doctor, and national expert in assisted reproduction, personally offer professional guidance and support. We are committed to providing personalized and scientifically sound treatment recommendations for every patient. Currently, we offer services such as egg freezing, IVF, and third-party assisted reproduction for those in need. Our services have expanded to countries outside the U.S., including Japan, Thailand, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, collaborating with top global IVF doctors to ensure a smooth journey for your IVF experience. Whether you are considering egg freezing or IVF, IVF USA looks forward to joining you on the beautiful journey towards parenthood and welcoming new life.

上一条:Have You Heard of the Fourth Generation of IVF? 下一条:Not Suitable to Everyone! Insights on Egg Freezing in Thailand by Dr. Nathan Zhang from IVF USA
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