In today's fast-paced society, the trend towards delayed marriage and childbearing has led to an increase in infertility issues. Many couples experience failure or miscarriage during conception, often due to chromosomal abnormalities.
Chromosomes are the primary carriers of genetic material, composed of DNA and proteins. Errors during cell division can lead to abnormalities in chromosome number or structure. These abnormalities include numerical and structural anomalies, such as aneuploidy and deletions, duplications, inversions, and translocations, which can directly impact fertility, resulting in infertility or miscarriage.
To assess and detect chromosomal abnormalities, couples undergo chromosome testing during the preconception phase. This is typically done through blood tests and karyotype analysis. If both partners have normal chromosomes, the likelihood of fetal abnormalities in future pregnancies is lower. During pregnancy, NT (nuchal translucency) scans at 12 weeks and amniocentesis also help determine if the fetus has chromosomal abnormalities.
Chromosomal abnormalities not only affect fertility but also pose genetic risks. In women, these abnormalities may lead to incomplete follicular development. As men age, the likelihood of errors in spermatogenesis increases, potentially resulting in poor sperm quality and accompanying chromosomal abnormalities. Advanced age in couples significantly raises the risk of fetal chromosomal abnormalities compared to younger couples. Studies indicate that approximately 60% of early miscarriages are due to chromosomal aberrations in embryos.
So, how can patients with chromosomal abnormalities ensure the birth of healthy babies? Third-generation IVF-PGT (Preimplantation Genetic Testing) offers an effective solution. PGT technology involves genetic diagnosis and screening of embryos before implantation, selecting healthy embryos for transfer to prevent the transmission of genetic diseases. This technology can detect numerical and structural abnormalities in embryos, ensuring that only completely healthy embryos are transferred into the mother's body, thus reducing the risk of miscarriage.
Dr. Nathan Zhang points out that chromosomal abnormalities are a major cause of recurrent miscarriage in women. As age increases, so does the likelihood of chromosomal abnormalities in embryos. Therefore, detailed chromosomal testing of embryos before implantation through PGS technology is a crucial step in preventing miscarriages.
For couples trying to conceive, addressing chromosomal issues is paramount. If you have questions about chromosome testing, IVF technology, or other fertility-related issues, IVF USA and Dr. Nathan Zhang are here to provide professional advice and support. IVF USA offers services including egg freezing, IVF, and third-party reproduction, expanding operations beyond the US to include Japan for IVF and egg freezing, Thailand for IVF and egg freezing, as well as Mexico, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Collaborating closely with leading IVF specialists worldwide, they help you move towards a happy family life.