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Elderly Mothers' Babies Less Intelligent? IVF USA Eases Concerns for Older IVF Mothers

2024-05-11 20:14:29,浏览量: 31次



In today's society, age often becomes a worrisome issue for women who want children. Traditional beliefs suggest that the optimal childbearing age for women is between 21 and 30, and considering pregnancy after the age of 35 is seen as a challenge. However, the advancements in modern medicine and recent research results have brought new perspectives to this notion.


Recent studies have shown that women aged 35 to 40 are more likely to give birth to healthy, intelligent children. This is not coincidental but is based on modern medical high-tech advancements such as IVF-PGT. IVF-PGT not only provides the possibility to screen and select eggs of higher quality but also ensures the transfer of high-quality embryos through third-generation IVF-PGT technology, thus increasing the chances of successful pregnancy.


Compared to younger mothers, older mothers have more advantages in child rearing. They often pay more attention to their children's education and growth because the arrival of a child is long-awaited and anticipated. Additionally, older mothers typically have better financial conditions, enabling them to provide a better living environment and richer learning resources for their children, which helps foster their confidence and learning abilities.


Therefore, for those with certain needs, wanting children is not something to overly worry about. The development of modern medical technology and one's own living and parenting conditions provide them with more possibilities and advantages. Relax, believe in your choices, and the future will be brighter. IVF USA currently offers services such as egg freezing, IVF, and third-party assisted reproduction to those in need, with operations extended to areas outside the USA such as IVF-PGT and egg freezing in Japan, Thailand, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other regions, closely collaborating with top IVF doctors worldwide.


If you have any questions or need further information about egg freezing or IVF, please feel free to contact us. IVF USA has extensive experience and a professional team dedicated to providing personalized medical services to every patient. Dr. Nathan Zhang, as our founder, is committed to providing support and assistance to you, ensuring that you are not alone on your journey to realizing your dreams of parenthood.



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