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Pioneer of Overseas IVF Allegedly Fathers 600 Children with His Sperm?!

2024-05-13 17:21:15,浏览量: 33次



Across the globe, as lifestyles and values evolve, more people are reconsidering their reproductive choices and seeking assistance from modern medical technologies. Egg freezing and IVF techniques, as hot topics today, offer new hopes and options for those desiring healthy babies.


Once, Dr. Mary Barton, a British gynecologist, and her husband, biologist Bertold Weisner, were pioneers in artificial insemination technology. They established a fertility clinic specializing in using high-quality sperm to help infertile families fulfill their parenting dreams. Although the clinic charged high fees, it still attracted attention from many middle-class and affluent families.


However, an adult investigation uncovered issues at Dr. Barton's clinic: most of the children born there were allegedly fathered by Weisner, possibly up to 600 individuals. Such practices violated legal requirements for sperm donors. Nowadays, reputable sperm banks strictly adhere to legal regulations, safeguarding the rights of both donors and recipients.


As one of the pioneers of sperm banks, the USA established the world's largest sperm bank as early as 1964. Unlike Dr. Barton's clinic, the US sperm bank has stringent requirements for donors: aged between 18 and 39, no history of infectious diseases or genetic disorders, high education level, and specific physical characteristics. Additionally, donors undergo comprehensive medical examinations and genetic testing, evaluated by third parties.


Choosing a reputable hospital or fertility clinic and applying for sperm from a sperm bank can avoid issues similar to those at Dr. Barton's clinic. IVF USA, as a professional assisted reproductive medical institution, is committed to providing personalized medical services and comprehensive support for every patient. With rich experience and a professional team, we tailor the most suitable fertility plan for each patient.


As our founder, Dr. Nathan Zhang, will wholeheartedly provide support and assistance, ensuring you are not alone on the path to realizing your fertility dreams. Currently, IVF USA provides services such as egg freezing and IVF for those in need, with operations extending to countries outside the USA, including IVF and egg freezing services in Japan, Thailand, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong, among others, collaborating closely with top IVF doctors worldwide. If you have any questions or needs regarding egg freezing technology or IVF, feel free to consult IVF USA. We will find the most suitable solution for you, contributing to your fertility journey and realizing your dreams.



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